Creative Outputs
& Public Writing
Creative Outputs
Diverse Ways of Knowing Nature [video](April 2021)
Andrea Elena, watercolour artist
Ann Sanderson, science illustration
Jennette Reid, metalsmith
Gaia's Gardens, landscape artists
Project Concept, Facilitation & Editor: Jennifer Marshman
This collaborative project began with an invitation to participate in a new Laurier-Milton lecture series called "Speak for the Bees". Beyond formal presentations, lectures, peer reviewed journal articles, and popular media, there are diverse ways to engage ourselves with the natural world around us. In this video project, we explore how a diverse groups of artists use different mediums to connect and engage with nature in a broad sense - and with pollinators more specifically. (April 2021)
Conference Poster: The Diverse Economies of Bee Cities (2019)
Poster displayed at the Congress of Food Justice and Sovereignty in the Americas, Working Group 1, Mexico City, Mexico (Oct 2019)
Project Conception & Facilitation:
Pollinator Garden & Spiral
(Spring-Summer, 2019)
The Pollinator Garden and Spiral are located on the Northdale Campus at Wilfrid Laurier University. These projects were generously supported by the World Wildlife Fund, and the Region of Waterloo Community Environmental Fund, respectively. The garden was installed with a team of volunteers following a permaculture presentation by Nicola Thomas. The garden is maintained and thriving under the care of Laurier Staff, Students, and Faculty volunteer hours. The Spiral was constructed by Kim & Geoff Fellows, with generous support from Laurier Grounds Manager, James Emary.
UPDATE: In loving memory of Geoff Fellows who will be dearly missed.
Laurier Pollinator Garden
In the spring of 2019 I collaborated with the Laurier Sustainability Office and community partners to offer several EnviroSeries workshops, including a class on pollinators and lasagna gardening and a hands-on build of a 224 square foot pollinator garden on the North campus of Wilfrid Laurier University. At the end of the video you can see how beautiful the garden looked exactly one year later, and you will even catch a glimpse of the regions first designated pollinator spiral. Laurier is proud to be a Bee Campus and the garden is thriving. I am now working with the Sustainability Office as we work towards recruiting garden stewards and volunteers that will be able to use their experience towards the Laurier Certificate in Sustainability (staff and faculty) and for their co-curricular records (students).
(Video by J. Marshman)
Reducing Foodwaste Through Gleaning [video] (2016)
Hiding in Plain Sight: Informal Urban Agriculture in Nanjing, China (2016)
Photo Journal from research undertaken in June-July 2015 was displayed at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Food Studies in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Collaborators: Dr. Zhenzhong Si, Emily Mann
Media, Blogs & Other Writing
[Op-Ed] Wild Bees Need Our Protection (2019)
The Record.
The Grass is Not Greener
(March, 2016).
New Hamburg Independent.
Homesteadin' Off the Grid (May 2016)
The Community Edition.
Book Reviews 2011-2013.
Alternatives Journal.
Miscellaneous Other
2020 Collaborative letter: Concerns about Food Supply Grow as Pandemic Crisis Deepens (163 signatories), National Observer
2019 Interview: Landscape Wish List for 2020 Pollinator Success, Landscape Trades Magazine